Friday, June 7, 2013

"I Bless the Rain Down in Africa...."

We're not sure we ever understood the words to this old song by Toto.  John says it has been misinterpreted as "I left my Brains Down in Africa", which may also be true by the time we return home...
But, the other day while standing at the kitchen window, we blessed the rain.  If you can believe it, things seem greener in the rainy season and the flowers from bushes and trees are re-blooming.  The thunder was so loud it set off our car alarm and the downpour is really something to behold!  It is truly different.

The dust is finally settling from the humanitarian trip and the USU students have uploaded some incredible photos...thanks, guys.  One of them actually caught us smiling!  We are saying goodbye to seven of the senior missionary couples in the next two months, including our Area President, Elder Dickson.  It will be a bit of a turnover here.

Our granddaughter, Emily, sent us this and we thought it was pretty funny.  Interestingly enough, we have not seen any golden arches, but there are 2 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants!  We have skipped those, too.

No reason to stick this cute little truck in...I just liked it.  It has 3 wheels and is a common type to be seen on the roads.

This gentleman, and we say that seriously, is our favorite policeman in all of Ghana.  We usually stay as far away from police here as we can since they love to harass the "obruni".  This dear man, however, does his very best to make everyone's day delightful.  He directs traffic not far from our apt. during rush hour and always does it with the best of humor and a smile.  He is a treasure!
Speaking of smiles...our student, Joyce, fit a hearing aid at one of the deaf schools and look at the face of the young girl who could suddenly hear sounds.  Precious!

The event of the week here was Thursday when John was invited to speak at a Public Lecture at the School of Allied Health Sciences on "Audiology:  The Emerging Allied Healthcare Profession in Ghana."
The Lecture Hall was standing room only and he gave an interesting (magnificent) presentation.  Our students were in attendance and he introduced them all to the audience.  Our staff at the clinic even closed the clinic and all attended in their 'best dress'.  So sweet!

Photos are a little dark since they turned out the lights to be able to see the slides.

Our incredible students above, except for one.
To the left is a future audiologist peeking in the door of our office.


  1. What a nice picture of the two of you!
    I think KFC could have the same effect on the locals as McDonald's would--apparently already has!
    Love these glimpses into your life there. Congrats to John on the "magnificent" presentation. I would expect nothing less.
    What a sweet little future audiologist! : )

  2. I thought that WAS the title of the song, "I Left My Brains in Africa". What's this about rain? Love your blog!!

  3. What an amazing experience for you both! Be sure to bring your brains home.

  4. Who knew you guys know the words to a Toto song! Amazing!

  5. i left my brains down in africa! hilarious!!!!! ;)
